Monday, March 26, 2012

The Brain on Love

Diane Ackerman discussed the mind/body connection, again, in her New York Time Opinionator piece about interpersonal neurobiology.  Studies show what we've always known and felt -- that love heals and comforts -- for real.  Just as the pain of heartbreak is experienced as real pain in the body, the joy and peace of love is experienced there, too.  So, whether you're having a hard day or a sleepless night, get close to your loved ones.  Hear their voices, see their faces, feel their skin.  Your own brain will light up with pleasure as you feel the love.
Read all the details here:  Your Brain on Love


  1. I wrote hardly a word when my marriage to my daughter's father broke up. I thought I was happy--but I couldn't write. Then I moved west; met my soul mate, Scott. I'm writing up a storm, and have ever since we met 3 years ago. Yes, the brain on love is a wondrous thing!
