Monday, June 8, 2015


Dear Readers,

Since it is summer and the the living is easy (easier), I will take a break* from these regularly scheduled blog posts until further notice.

All the best,

*Break:  interrupt (a continuity, sequence, or course). "The blog broke the pattern of weekly postings." synonyms:  interrupt, disturb, interfere with


  1. Yes, dear, a BREAK for the impossible
    length and breadth of E T E R N I T Y;
    you nor eye don't need all those icons
    or Ph.ds after our name, we just need
    to be humble enough to see that, yes,
    1-outta-1 bites-the-dust,miss babydoll.
    Why? We. are. all. mortal, dear. If you
    don't realize that axiomatic reality,
    juss looky o'er here to us and see how
    we were driving along to debate round
    and, suddenly, outta-the-clear-blue, she
    was DOA while I was comatose --->
    Yes, dear, our lifelong demise DOES in
    fact end, miss gorgeous, and we know
    not the hour nor the day. Solution? Go
    home, kneel and repent@bedside:
    ● ●
    Cya soon, girly-withe-curly...
